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The stage coach in a scene from the movie



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The stage coach from the film in Germany
The stage coach is brought to Berlin
The stage coach goes to Berlin
The stage coach is loaded in Bad Bederkesa. In the spring of 2022, it became known that the school hostel in Bad Bederkesa would have to be extensively renovated and would therefore be closed for an indefinite period of time. The team of the Bud Spencer Museum in Berlin then asked the BBU in Bremerhaven whether it would be possible to exhibit the carriage on loan, first at the Spencer/Hill Film Festival in Berlin and then at the Bud Spencer Museum there. The BBU agreed and the carriage was collected from Bad Bederkesa on 31 August 2022 and transported to Berlin.

The stage coach at the Spencer Hill Filmfestival
The stage coach at the Spencer Hill Filmfestival
Anne Kasprik in front of her stage coach The Spencer/Hill Film Festival took place on 2 and 3 September 2022 at the Urania in Berlin. The carriage stood these two days in the courtyard of the event centre and could be photographed there by fans. On the Saturday of the festival, the actress Anne Kasprik, who played a veterinarian in 1994's "The Night before Christmas", who owned the carriage in the film, was also a guest. So here was a reunion between the original carriage and its owner. But in general, the carriage was a real eye-catcher and a popular photo motif.

The coach at the Bud Spencer museum
The coach at the Bud Spencer museum Directly after the festival, the carriage moved from the Urania to the nearby Bud Spencer Museum, where it cut a fine figure next to the sheriff's office from the Trinity Westerns. From 4 September until the end of May 2023, museum visitors were able to get a glimpse of the carriage and learn about its history. Then the loan contract with the BBU in Bremerhaven expired and the carriage was brought back to northern Germany.

Article from the Nordsee-Zeitung of 8. August 2022
Article from the Nordsee-Zeitung of 8. August 2022

The stage coach in Berlin