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Benno Hoffmann
born: 30.05.1919 in Süderbrarup
died: 09.03.2005 in Vomp, Österreich

Benno Hoffmann hat zweimal Bud Spencer seine Stimme geliehen: 1967 in "Gott vergibt, wir beide nie" und 1969 in "Hügel der blutigen Stiefel".

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Internet Movie Database
Deutsche Synchronkartei

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No. Year Title Role Voice actor Picture
1. 1966 Die Nibelungen I. Teil - Siegfried Mime, Alberichs Bruder  
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Work as crewmember

Voice actor
No. Year Title Voice of
1 1953 It Happened in the Park Vittorio Caprioli (German version)
2 1957 A Farewell to Arms Franco Mancinelli (German version)
3 1961 The Wonders of Aladdin Alberto Farnese (German version)
4 1967 God forgives... I don't! Bud Spencer (German version)
5 1969 Boot Hill Bud Spencer (German version)
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