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Joe Krieg
Nome di nascita: Joseph E. Krieg
Nato il 25.04.1950 a Manitoba, Kanada

Joe Krieg was born on April 25, 1950 at a small airport outside a small town in Manitoba, Canada. But he grew up in Seattle. For 30 years he earned his money as driver of his own diesel truck. Besides he took part in five movies. His last appearance was as motorcycle rocker Chickadee in Renegade. In his private life, motorcycling is also very close to his heart. For example, he has designed trikes to enable wheelchair users to ride a motorcycle again. Joe Krieg has three sons and two daughters and lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

Collegamenti esterni:
Internet Movie Database
Interview mit Joe Krieg

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No. Anno Titolo Ruolo Doppiato da Immagine
1. 1987 Renegade un osso troppo duro Chickadee Renato Mori 
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