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News about Bud and Terence
2023-03-29 - 7:14 am - Happy Birthday Terence Hill!
The head of the new Don Matteo figure We congratulate acting legend Terence Hill to his 84th birthday today and wish him much happiness, success, fun and of course continued health for the coming years! We are looking forward to the new movie he wants to shoot this year and hope very much that there will soon be an opportunity to meet him in person, because he is not only a great actor, but first and foremost a great person! All the best, Terence!

In honor of his birthday, the Bud Spencer Museum in Berlin will unveil a new life-like figure today featuring Terence Hill in his longest-running role as Don Matteo. Berlin-based artist Lisa Büscher hand-sculpted the lifelike figure out of silicone, recreating the original down to the smallest detail with tens of thousands of manually placed hairs.
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